Author Archives: AVERio

The role of technology in social care

The Role of Technology in Social Care

Technology is becoming more and more important in many facets of our life in today’s fast-paced and connected society. Social care is one area where it has advanced significantly. Technology is transforming the social care sector because it has the … Read More

The Care Workers’ Charity Employee Grant Giving Initiative

A post by The Care Workers’ Charity: As 2023 progresses, the care sector has faced a stream of disappointing lack of support, commitment and hope for the future of the sector. It has become more and more apparent that answers … Read More

AVERio Rebel Startup of the Year Award

AVERio announced as winner at prestigious StartUp Awards

We are thrilled to announce our recent win at this year’s StartUp Awards North West! AVERio has been named Rebel StartUp of the Year for 2023, thanks to our work in moving the care industry forward by introducing new technology … Read More

48 Hours Cycling Challenge

The Care Workers Charity 48 Hour Cycle Challenge

Donate NOW Epic 48-hour charity cycling challenge David Lynes, CEO & Founder of Unique IQ, will this week attempt the gruelling challenge with the aim of raising £10,000 for The Care Workers’ Charity. The Care Workers’ Charity has recently issued … Read More

Being Care First in a Digital Age

What Does Being “Care First” Mean? Being “care first” is more crucial than ever in the digital world, especially when it comes to health and social care. Technology’s advancement has created a wide variety of advantages and opportunities, but it … Read More

The Importance of Mental health support for older adults

The Importance of Mental Health Support for Older Adults

Mental Health is a Crucial Aspect of General Health For older adults in particular, mental health is a crucial aspect of general health and wellbeing. Age-related mental health issues can vary from depression and anxiety to dementia and other cognitive … Read More

The Correlation Between Falls and Dehydration

The Correlation Between Falls & Dehydration

How Hydration Monitoring Helps The most common injury and hospitalisation reason for older persons is falls. Ineffective hydration monitoring can lead to dehydration which is one factor that has been linked to falls in older people. Falls and dehydration have … Read More

AVERio & Vayyar Fall Detection Technology

AVERio & Vayyar Fall Detection Technology: Helping to Keep People Safe

Fall Detection in Real Time Vayyar creates 3D imaging devices for healthcare, including fall detection technology that uses radar sensors to send instant warnings to carers through platforms like AVERio. With a focus on Vayyar’s fall detection technology, we take … Read More

The impact of social isolation on health & wellbeing - AVERio

The Impact of Social Isolation on Health and Wellbeing

The COVID-19 pandemic has only served to emphasise the effects of social isolation on older people, a problem that has been increasing in the health and social care sector for some time. Lack of social interaction with one’s family, friends, … Read More

Technology Enabled Care: The Challenges

As technology enabled care continues to evolve and shape the world we live in, it has become increasingly clear that its benefits can be harnessed to improve the quality of life for older adults. In this article, we focus on … Read More

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